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The birth of the creative process.

Julia DupinceauJanuary 3, 2020

 After a long pause and creative crisis, the artist has a new active period, the world begins to appear in bright colors. First, there are small strokes of bright colors, sloppy sketches or simple lines of text. Then, gaining height, there are outlines of new ideas and projects, begin the creative design process.

With the speed of the falling stars, details are revealed, and a bright beam illuminates the mind of the creative personality! Man begins to create! What joy fills in this moment all the existence of a man-creator. Hands magically stretch behind the brush and the act of creation begins! It is the revived hand - the transmitter of energy and warmth of your soul, is able to create a real masterpiece! The artist's hand lovingly holds the brush. Hot blood warms your fingers, and at their tips is created energy fields that turn your work into a living object that can evoke emotions.

When an artist writes his life day after day, year after year, then people feel the power of life that the artist transmits to them through his works.
That's why creative people are so upset when they feel creative stagnation. Life fades, loses meaning, man goes to sleep. It is important to wake yourself up for the beauty of the world.
This can be done with the help of landscape therapy, the energy of "places of power" will charge you, the joy of visiting museums and exhibitions will add excitement, staying with your beloved pets will fill with love, which will start the creative process step by step towards the goal.

When a man creates, he seems to be quietly walking through the streets and alleys of his life, and not rushes through a sports car, not having time to stop at something beautiful!
Seen and imprinted blade of grass, covered with frost on a frosty night, makes us joyful. A bird that makes trills in the spring is able to make it tremble from its singing the heart of a person.

How many chances nature gives us, so that we feel its beauty with all our soul! Creativity is a process during which you can feel the scale of life - depth and distance. Of course, the computer keyboard will give us a quick result, but will there be depth? And when working a brush with the smell of paints it is immediately felt.

Think, maybe the scenario of a fussy life, in pursuit of success and leadership is not very suitable for the soul? Maybe it's a false path seen in a movie and copied? Maybe instead of the bustle of the city you are closer singing cicada at sunset?
Look into yourself, if you collect stones, cones or leaves and rejoice in the first snowdrop, maybe you better live in nature?

Then do not be afraid to take a step towards the cherished dream! Respond to the creative call from above, go to nature and start drawing, sculpting, cutting and so on!
Neither age nor modest material possibilities can stop in the desire to breathe full breasts. Fear of change stops and makes you live immersed in the "sleep" of cities. Wake up and start the creative process!