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Do not be afraid to dream!

Julia DupinceauJanuary 14, 2020

 When I was a little girl, in my grandmother's kitchen above the table hunged wood slice of birch tree with a beautiful landscape painted on it. I was looking at this picture with the bullfinches, sitting on the branches of a tree of ash with red berries. I thought how beautiful it is! I wanted to draw the same way.

Years passed, my grandmother was no longer on this land, there was not even that wood slice décor with painted birds, but I remembered this image very often.

And suddenly, in one flea market, where creative people makes creative process – to collect for themselves different interesting old things. Where I go for pictures with animals painting and birds painting that I collect, I found an old wood slice, with a church and meadow painted on it with an inscription on the Gothic.

Turning over a wood slice with a picture I saw the date - 1944. In Europe, the Second World War raged, and an unknown master painted a peaceful landscape in his village. Everything was falling apart, and the master with love in his heart maked a wood slice painting. It struck me!

I realized at this moment that I wanted to draw birds and animals on a wood slices.

I don't remember how much I was patient when we got home. We live in our own home and we have an oven and, of course, firewood. I asked my husband and he sawed me off the pine log with a few thin pieces of wood, which I polished, primed and antiseptic.

The moment of truth has come! I wanted to mentally return to my grandmother's kitchen in my childhood and children's eyes to see those bullfinches on the branches of the ash tree.

It was a beautiful state of mind, almost magical! Suddenly, my hand began to drive itself in pencil on the surface of a wood slice. During the evening I maked three times painting on wood slice.

And from that day on, I use every spare minute to devote it to creative process. Now I collect logs and branches of different types of wood and different shapes everywhere for homemade crafts. And I draw, draw, draw...

This is an amazing therapy from nervous tension, fatigue and man-made pressure on the psyche. I've become much more fun and younger in spirit, as my husband says. I'm so glad that a little childhood dream has become my hobby! Now all gifts in my family, even handmade Christmas gifts handmade by me. Now wood handmade is a very popular trend in the world. And handmade wooden slices especially.

Do not be afraid to dream - somewhere in the sky your dreams are carefully recorded and one day the angels, I think, create the conditions for a child's dream to be realized. The

main thing, among the fuss and everyday worries do not miss this moment!

Be vigilant and don't miss your chance! Discover forgotten childhood dreams and desires and be happy!